Adult & Teen Open Gym are cancelled for Friday, 3/21 and Monday, 3/24. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Myth: Small donations and contributions won’t make an impact on helping the Club.
Fact: The Ludlow Community Center / Randall Boys & Girls Club is responsible for raising funds every year to support the annual budget.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts are gifts that are made in the future, often as part of an estate or a bequest to honor a person's legacy. 

(To make a one-time or recurring gift to the Club donation please click here.)

Join the Founders Society and be a Heritage Club Member

  • Founders Society recognizes those donors who contribute to the endowment
    or have named the Club as a beneficiary of their estate plans prior to December 31, 2010.
  • The Heritage Club recognizes those donors who have invested in the future 
    of the Ludlow Boys & Girls Club by naming the Club as a beneficiary of their estate plans.

Benefits of Membership in the Founders Society

  • Recognition on the Founders Society Plaque in the Club Lobby.
  • Recognition in the Ludlow Boys & Girls Club Annual Report.
  • All the benefits of the Heritage Club.

Benefits of Membership in the Heritage Club

  • A quarterly publication on tax & estate planning.
  • National Recognition in the Heritage Club Annual Report.
  • A welcome letter and Heritage Club lapel pin that indicates your leadership
    in the mission to guarantee a strong future for our nation's youth.

If you are considering including the Ludlow Community Center/Randall Boys & Girls Club in your estate plan, the following language may be helpful:

"All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, I give devise and bequeath to Ludlow Boys & Girls Club, Inc. of Ludlow, MA, a non-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts, for its general charitable objectives and purposes."


"I give, devise and bequeath to Ludlow Boys & Girls Club, Inc. of Ludlow, MA, a non-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts, ____% of my residuary estate to be used for its general objectives and purposes."


"I give, devise and bequeath to Ludlow Boys & Girls Club, Inc. of Ludlow, MA, a non-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts, the sum of $________, to be used for its general objectives and purposes."

For more information, please visit the Leave A Legacy website:


For more information on our Endowment, please contact:
Josue Irizarry at
Ludlow Community Center/Randall Boys & Girls Club
91 Claudia's Way Ludlow, MA 01056
(413) 583-2072 x113